Owen Jenkins to star in an adaptation of David Walliams’ children’s book, The First Hippo on the Moon


Making its world premiere at The Royal Hippodrome Theatre in Eastbourne before touring nationwide, The First Hippo on the Moon has been adapted for the stage by Les Petits Theatre Company.

The production, which opens on 13th December, tells the tale of two big hippos with one big dream – to make it into space. Walliams talked about the production on BBC Radio 4 and said he will a guest appearance in the stage production: “My voice does appear in the show as an on-board computer,” he explained.

Les Petits is a sister company of the Olivier Award-nominated Les Enfants Terrible Theatre Company and former Foundation Course student, Fiona Porritt, is an Assistant Producer for the company.

Find out more about David Walliams and his writing here

Read more about Les Petits Theatre here