The Student Experience

When it comes to what makes OSD special, we think the best people to ask are our students. 

This page focuses on the voices and experiences of current OSD students. They’ve been where you are – from audition advice to what it’s like living in Oxford, they’re the experts on life at drama school. 

“I knew from my first audition that Oxford was just different from any other school” – a student reflecting on their audition process

One Thing I Love..

To help you get a sense of Oxford, we asked a group of OSD students to tell us one thing they love about living in and around Oxford. 

Instagram Feed

Meet an OSD Student...

Grace Robinson
Foundation Course in Acting, 2024

Faith Wood-Blagrove
Foundation Course in Acting, 2024

Sophie Taylor
One Year Course

Matthew Wheatley
Three Year Course
(First Year)

Sophie Oliver
Three Year Course
(Second Year)

Sharitah Boulton
Three Year Course
(Third Year)

Why OSD?

I chose to study at OSD...

due to its intimate setup and how the smaller classes result in more personal training

Foundation Course in Acting Student

I chose Oxford School of Drama because...

there was the true sense of being a part of something, everyone is equal to one another no matter the course or year group

Foundation Course in Acting Student

Oxford stood out to me primarily because...

I feel valued as an individual here – I am listened to and supported and that makes for an incredibly positive environment where both students and staff are happy

Foundation Course in Acting Student

I decided that OSD was the best fit for me because of...

how I felt during my auditions. On every occasion I always felt seen and appreciated as an individual and that the school really wanted to get to know me as a human being first and foremost.

Three Year Course in Acting Student

Oxford felt right because...

having a lot of space is something I value a lot. There's something about the rural aspect of the school that helps me connect on a deeper level with the work that we do.

Three Year Course in Acting Student

I chose OSD because...

the school provides a welcoming and comforting environment in the countryside, creating calming space to produce work to the highest standards.

Foundation Course in Acting with Musical Theatre Student

I chose the OSD Foundation Year in Acting with MT because...

it uniquely offers rigorous acting raining whilst also learning singing and dancing skills.

Foundation Course in Acting with Musical Theatre Student

I decided OSD was right for me because...

Nowhere else would you be able to put your feet on the earth and walk through fields while having lessons from people who are actively changing the artistic world around us.

Three Year Course Student

I knew OSD was right for me when...

I came back for my recall audition, and realised what the school meant to me. It’s just a really special space, held by unique and dedicated teachers and students.

Three Year Course Student

Thinking of applying? Visit our How To Apply page to find our more about our audition process, or click the button below to Apply Now.