August 2023 Theatre News – OSD Graduates

London, Edfringe and Camden Fringe, it’s all happening this month! Here’s some lovely August theatre news from some of our OSD graduates! 🤩

The Oxford School of Drama
Sara Houghton and Tanya Reynolds will be performing in A Mirror by Sam Holcroft.

15 Aug - 23 Sept at Almeida Theatre.
The Oxford School of Drama
Thomas Joseph Burr will be performing in the solo show Collar. Written by Thomas and grad Hannah McLeod.

4-26 Aug, theSpace on the Mile.
The Oxford School of Drama
Maryam Grace will be performing in Sh!tfaced Shakespeare.

2-27 Aug at The Pleasance
The Oxford School of Drama
Catherine Kay will be performing in Wildcat’s Last Waltz.

3-26 August at the Assembly Rooms
The Oxford School of Drama
Chloe Britain will be performing in The Improv Musical.

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose
The Oxford School of Drama
Iszy Rathband will be performing in the show In Memoriam.

21-26 August at theSpace Surgeon’s Hall
The Oxford School of Drama
Ben Fensome’s play Buff.

From 2-28 August At The Pleasance
The Oxford School of Drama
Kerena Jagpal will be performing in Brown Girl Noise.Theatre.

13 - 16 August at The Hope
The Oxford School of Drama
Jacob Baird, Sasha Brooks, Nisha Emich, Hannah McLeod, Kip O’Sullivan and Janik Rajapakse will be performing in The Emperor’s New Clothes, adapted and directed by the cast.

21-23 August at the Canal Café Theatre