Will Adamsdale stars in The Lost Disc at Soho Theatre 8 – 27 October

Will has co-written and performs in The Lost Disc – “a show described as art gig, part play, part comedy show… and an alternative history of popular music.”

Will Adamsdale

Join discredited NME journalist Stu Morecambe as he searches for a legendary lost recording of three of the 20th century’s finest forgotten musicians.

But does it even exist?

Chock full of original songs, conspiracy theories and pop legend, The Lost Disc is what happens when Raiders of The Lost Arkmeets 6Music.

Performed By Will Adamsdale Ed Gaughan, Victoria Elliott, John Lightbody with a live band featuring members of The London Snorkelling Team including Pascal Wyse, Keith de Barra, Marcus Penrose and Dave Whitford.
